Bret, you will appreciate this story the most.
The Faroese bus schedule does not make much sense to me. I read the schedule of buses going from Velbastad to Havn, and decided that we needed to be at the bus stop at 1130am, yesterday. When the bus arrived, he seemed to be pointing in the wrong direction, so I asked the driver if he was going to Havn. After an initial snap at me for asking a dumb question, he looked at the schedule with me and very nicely explained how it worked and that my next bus wasn't until 1330 (they use the 24 hour system). We decided that was too long to wait, since we could walk for 30 minutes to catch a different bus right away.
We spent the day in Havn, and again made a mistake looking at the schedule. We took the city bus out to the last stop, closest to Velbastad, then waited for the Velbastad bus. Again, he seemed to be turned the wrong way. Unfortunately for us, it was the same driver. I asked him if he was going to Velbastad, and he laid into me yelling about how I should read the name on the bus. Couldn't I see that he was going to Kalbak. So I yelled back that I had no idea where Kalbak was, since I didn't live in the Faroes. "Yeah, but you speak Faroese." "But just because I speak it doesn't mean I know my way around." He was a little flustered after that and said the return bus would be in a few minutes.
So, Bret, it is not just at bed and breakfasts that I get yelled at. As it turned out, Duruta was on the bus the second time, and helped me explain the story to Mammubeiggji. He is taking the bus into Havn this morning and promises to give the driver a hard time for chewing out his relatives from USA who are doing their best trying to learn the language! Let's see how he treats the next idiot that asks dumb questions. Maybe someone will come up with an idiot proof schedule.
Well, I'm glad to see that you haven't changed a bit since our honeymoon when we got scolded at the bed and breakfast in England.