Monday, June 18, 2012


We landed here around 9 am yesterday. The cold Atlantic air and light breeze felt like home. Bret got us a car and proceded to drive us around aimlessly for a couple of hours. We finally parked and had lunch in an all glass building that looked like a giant honeycomb. A friendly waitress directed us to the Hilton, where Bret has some sort of executive membership.

Apparently, we arrived on their Independence Day! There were people and activities everywhere. Some of the girls were dressed in their national costumes, most of the kids had balloons and flags, everyone seemed to be having a grand time. We mostly walked around and observed the festivities. I got myself a flag and a pin that depicts the Faroese and Icelandic flags criss crossed.

Every time we sat down, one of the our kids would start to fall asleep. We poked, prodded and teased until they woke up properly. We had made a rule that no one was to go to sleep until at least 8 pm to minimize jet lag.

Bret, Bear and I went to bed watching the newest version of Robin Hood. Bear fell asleep about 30 minutes in, I lasted about an hour, and Bret watched the whole thing. The girls have a room about 10 doors down.

Just before dinner, I got ahold of Edna. She is going to pick us up after work today to take us out to dinner. We also hope to go to the Blue Lagoon and to see the power plant that Bret´s company built out here in the mean time.

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