Thursday, July 12, 2012

Natural History Museum

We took the #5 bus to Nordasta Horn, switched to the #3 bus to Landavegin, walked to Brynhild's shop (almost) and then up the hill to the museum.  There we studied the bones of 3 different species of whales (grind is actually a dolphin), some rather fantastic quarts specimen, hundreds of fish, and a bunch of birds.  The even had a taxidermic polar bear (didn't know they came to the Faroes) and two taxidermic seals that you could cuddle up to.

Then we walked to the Haskula, where the kids took their lesson in Faroese.  I crocheted while I waited.  At this point, all four of us have fingerless mittens or gloves! either knitted or crocheted.  The class goes from 2 to 4 pm.

On the way home, we walked up Landavegin to the grocery store, shopped, took the #3 to Nordasta Horn, and then waited 1 hour for the #5, which took us home to Velbastad.  The round trip has become second nature for us as we have done it at least 10 times now.

Danielle snuggling with the seals!

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