Sunday, July 8, 2012


Wow, the trip to Skuvoy was so nice, Danielle and Bear had a blast.  Annika was a little freaked.  She said we had to stop visiting people and start traveling so we could see all the islands before we leave.

We saw Sigmundur Brestisson's "Stone".  His grave marker that only has a cross on it.  There is pretty much nothing else to do there, expect hike, so that's what we did.

There are no signs to tell you what's what, so we didn't get anything to eat.  We saw people go into a house empty handed, and came out with shopping bags, so we're pretty sure that was a store, and an old guy told us there was a diner, and the name of the owners, but I couldn't get him to tell him where it was or the name of the building.  (Everyone names their house on that island, reminds me a little of England.)

The trip back on the ferry was so rough that we all stayed inside.  Danielle decided to venture out, but came back fairly quickly soaked.  Annika announced that she no longer wanted to visit all the islands, only the ones we could drive to!  LOL.

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